Across the high latitudes in Canada or Russia, for instance, the reflective nature of the snow cools the planet. Our EIN or tax ID is 45-3714703. “First and foremost, we have to decarbonize the economy and move beyond fossil fuels, and that message has come through in this paper.”“Keep in mind that there are lots of other reasons that we want to protect, conserve and perhaps restore forests,” Anderegg said, “such as biodiversity benefits, clean air, clean water, ecosystem services and tourism…Forests are about more than carbon.”View targeted feedsMongabay is a reader-supported conservation and environmental science news service. Promise yourself to use your position of power, as a voter and as a consumer, to fight climate change.Join others. It’s not what they’re designed to do; it’s not in their short-term interest.Expecting our systems to tackle climate change on their own, is like expecting a child to choose a carrot over a cake because it’s better for their health in the long run. Here, they asked: How can we assess the risks to forest permanence? Education is a key part of the solution. One thing without which they cannot survive.And that one thing, is We decide if a company sells its products or a politician gets elected.We are the buyers and we are the voters. Here’s how our efforts came out: Climate Action: Growing Renewables: A big part of our Climate Action program aims to grow renewable energy generation in the US.
And how can we get that information to land managers and policymakers?The newly published paper in Combining long-term satellite records with forest plot data, for instance, can provide solid estimates for future forest stress and disturbance. They will choose the thing that’s in their short-term interest, and in the short-term, it’s not in our systems’ interest to take urgent action on the climate crisis — otherwise they would have.Just imagine if that wasn’t the case. Forest-based solutions play an important role in addressing climate change, but the risks to forests from climate change also need to be calculated, according to a newly published paper in Science. Whether we are each brave enough to accept this and strong enough to act on it, will determine the future of life on earth.If you agree, please share this article and help inspire action in others.Want to stay on top of current events regarding climate change and the environment happening around the world? It happens quickly because it aligns with the short-term outlook of our systems. Also, many of these cutting-edge tools and techniques are not widely used outside of the scientific community, meaning policy decisions sometimes rely on science that is decades old.The authors urge policymakers to be sure forest-based, natural climate solutions are done with the best available science.