We also celebrate one of God’s greatest gift to us – your presence! Happy birthday, and may He guide you towards greater wisdom, strength and faith!========================@2019 - EventGreetings.com - All Right Reserved. A religious birthday wish is one of the best ways to convey our wish to someone who celebrates his or her birthday. Happy Birthday !! Happy Birthday !! We hope that God will guide you to wonderful new discoveries of God’s graces and love with each passing day.========================There is no better day than this day to pray for God to uplift your spirit and give you strength for everything that may come your way. Happy birthday!========================As you grow older, we hope that by God’s graces, your relationship with Him grows stronger as well. High quality example sentences with “for many more to come” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Happy birthday!========================May God continue to bless you aplenty and provide you with the strength and patience that you need to overcome every passing day. I hope that God will bless you with many more healthy and beautiful years to come so that you will have an awesome life overall.================================================Warm hugs and best wishes to the birthday boy / girl! 誕生日の意味:ケーキ、プレゼント、包装紙 お金、洋服、友達、パーティEtc これ以上なにがほしいの? Although I can't wish you a happy birthday in person; I hope that you will experience and understand this for yourself today.
Happy birthday!========================Cheers to you on your happy, happy birthday! Happy birthday and God bless.========================Remember how the Bible tells us that God created us in His likeness? We hope that with every birthday, you will receive God’s graces and know that you are in good hands.========================God is always with us, in heart and in spirit. Yes, I did say that last year. I hope that you can feel the Lord’s loving presence wherever it is that you go today.========================May God warm your heart and lift your mind and spirits so that you can see what truly matters to you in your life. Remember that it is the love and genuine self that you carry with you!========================Happy birthday! It’s a day that only comes around once a year, and for this reason it should be a memorable one. Have a wonderful happy, healthy birthday and many more to come. Birthdays Mean: cake, presents, wrapping paper, money, clothes, friends, partys etc. This day is another beautiful gift from God, so be sure to spend it in a way that will make even God proud!========================We hope that you will have a wonderful birthday today! I am so happy that you have grown so much in various aspects of life since your last birthday. I love you so much!!!!! Happy birthday to you!========================May God continue to guide you through your upcoming journey and adventures tirelessly. Celebrating a birthday is special. Translate Happy birthday and many more to come. May He guide you in seeing right from wrong, good from the bad. On this special day, I hope that God will continue to bless you with plenty of wonderful surprises in life.========================God has plenty in store for you, buddy. I hope that this birthday brings you God’s grace and guidance in every step that you take for the years to come.========================Maybe it is indeed your faith in God that makes you as strong as you are today, but it is your birthday that makes you another year older! Happy birthday my dear.========================There isn’t any other form of love in the world that is stronger than that of God’s love. I hope that God’s love will guide you on!========================God might be working extra hard today since it is your birthday! ----- No copyright infringement is intended all credit to the owner of the song that i use. On this special day, I pray for you and hope that God will bless you with everything that you ever desired in your life.========================It’s your birthday today, and I hope that God blesses you with everything that you need in your life, whether it’s strength, spiritual guidance or anything else at all.========================As you grow yet another year older on this day, I hope that God’s blessings and teachings follow you wherever you go.========================We celebrate God’s wonderful ways and creations everyday, but today is a day for us to celebrate you. If you feel that a simple spiritual sentiment is an appropriate way to greet someone, then here are the top 60 religious birthday wishes that you can take inspiration from. Happy birthday!========================It’s your special day today, and I hope that God will continue to shower you with all of His glory and wonders. Have a wonderful happy, healthy birthday and many more to come.
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